Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Lawrence R Berger


Days Pass

and things change


the Gutenberg Press

now Ebooks and the internet.


is the first company in 

Three hundred years

to literally start a national revolution

and this was the first one in history

that happened without anyone getting Killed!

People who are old can remember a time

When Facebook didn’t exist.

It used to take a generation to effect such change

Now only seconds

Man, do I feel old! 

The old man and his tea.

The old man

sits in a corner by the fire

he sips slowly

for the tea is steaming hot.

Cup to hair covered lip

and down again

always starring into the flames.

Behind him

his grandchildren chase each other around the table

full of youthful excitement.

Suddenly, they stop and stare at the old man with his tea,

They wonder what the old man is thinking.

The old man 

continues to sip his tea

he’s earned his spot by the fire 

The old man smiles as he finishes the tea and slowly stands up from his chair

Tickles his grandchildren’s hair and goes and kisses his wife goodnight.

One more pleasant memory to add to a long life.

I hope I’ll get there too.

Primary Colors 45 2020

Here we go!

It’s that time again.

Have we made America Great again yet?

There is a virus infecting the world now

The economy has changed

The “Leader” of the free world

claims that the doctors are more popular

but he has a race to run.

On the other side

Sits the old man

who likes to put his foot in his mouth 

and argues he has the moral high ground.

Look out!

From out of the south here comes the West!

A mad poet with delusions of grandeur.

The old man wants to show he cares so he’s trying 

to make sure the other two are

out womaned. 


Can I mail it in?

Enough already! 


Telling me, you are going to “open the economy!”

People have been working from home and providing

“Essential services” all along.  There was a lock down not a shut down!


 Telling me about the “unemployment rate!” 

One in four unemployed means that three out of four are working! 

 The top 1% is not worried! 

The bottom 1% do not care

In addition, those of us in the 98% in the middle are just plain tired of the lip service! 


Telling me, we are “one nation”!

Black America?

White America?

Red America?

Yellow America?

Latino America?

Jewish America?

With Blue America

Stop telling me never again! 

1 comment:

Michael Lee Johnson

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