Sunday, December 13, 2020

Lori Wall-Holloway

I look back 

over the broken

pieces of my life

welded together 

with love

and forgiveness

to create steps 

of growth

I have taken 

to where I am now

Unthinkable at the start

Achieved over time

Wisdom for days to come

When I turned 64 

I made big plans

one was to go

to Disneyland

I began to save money

I watched for deals

When Covid struck

I lost my zeal

So I made new goals

while the girls

 were home

I organized photos

so I could work

on my tomes

Scrapbook pages

were filled with pics

when my back ached

I felt horribly sick

I had to slow down

working on books

I lost my zest 

for the job undertook

Then school stayed out

and my role changed

Assisting the teacher

I tried to stay sane

I helped my granddaughters

do homework on time

I tried to stay calm

and not lose my mind

The year had pluses

as I look back

Dodgers won World Series

The Lakers are champs


My life has shifted

Nothing’s the same

Newness has come

as I learn to reframe


my 65th year

with fresh plans

Hoping one day

get to Disneyland

Back Door Blessings 

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for
and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

I swing open front door to bright sunlight
Grey striped kittens scamper through my legs
while squirrel runs down tree and scurries 
across street
I watch, hopeful and wonder from what 
direction my prayers will be answered
Will it come quick like a miracle?
Or will God use my sister to bring
about what I asked?
How will he do it?

Teardrops fill my eyes
I feel abandoned
wondering if I was heard
Did I do something wrong?
Is he not pleased?
Is it just not time?

I hear a chuckle
and recognize it is the Lord’s
I begin to cry

Through my sobs I confess 
I thought I had been forgotten
He wipes my tears and turns
me around to show 
my answered prayer

While I stared out the front 
door expecting him to bring a solution
one way, he slipped through the back
with an answer even greater 
than I expected 

(This is based on a prose piece I wrote many years ago. It was inspired by how I got my first computer, which was totally unexpected)

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