Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Mark A Fisher

looking back

at this new life resting comfortably 

on the rumpled laundry basket of the old one

what memories lie waiting to be washed away

like all the quiz show answers I used to know

yet remaining as set in stains 

on t-shirts that don’t fit

built up in layers

like archaeological strata

ready to be studied

or looted like tombs

for lost treasures of the past

to be put on display

for the multitudes to gawk

at what I used to be

best forgotten

I rub grit from my eyes

washed up by storms 

in my un-ended dreams

where ghosts still try

to teach me

lessons best forgotten



hidden beneath wildflowers

and memories

not of things said

but things done


no matter the words

burned like incense

on the altar 

to a god unknown

that hides

beyond sleep

in the dark matters

that sob their sorrows

in verses

I will never hear

save in my dreams


when I grow old

will I learn the names of stars

if any can still be seen

in street astronomy 

or will I remember 

the multitudes 

that there were

when I was but a child

with all the names I 

never knew

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