Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Megha Sood

 Ancient Fear

Those languid branches of the wild oak

pickled in the snow

are riddled with

the worries of the harsh winters


Deep in its thoughts

of unspoken fear

of the flight or the fight

I sit here,

near the window sill of my old apartment

giving it a second chance

to scrape away,

those sullen memories off my mind


which has cast an impression all these years

the unexplained trepidation

which sits neatly in the folds of my mind

knotted with the worries of you

leaving the threshold

and never looking back


I’m trapped in my ancient fear

of those days soaked in my tears

in my heaving bosom

when love leaves and never returns.

Looking Glass


 I'm looking through a looking-glass

 reality seems so bleak

 and the nightmares seem so true

 Pain, sadness, and anxiety 

 all have begun to bloom


 I'm looking through the looking-glass

 My dreams and hopes are dwindling

 all the sunshine I was storing

 seems to be just ending


 I'm looking through the looking-glass

worms of fear and hatred and sneaking everywhere

 rotten feelings and jealousy

 are trying to make a mound somewhere


 I'm looking through the looking-glass

 Looking for the smile I hid it last time

 dug and stuck it so deep

 that no hurt can ever seem to find


 I'm looking through the looking-glass

 for the saplings of love and passion

 I am trying so desperately to sprout

 making sure the anger doesn't make it rot


 I'm looking through the looking-glass

 so it magnifies the little hope I have

 I'm looking through the looking-glass

 Hoping to see you look back.




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